Privacy Policy

Modified on Sat, 13 Jul, 2024 at 6:58 AM


The MySejahtera application (hereinafter referred to as “App”) was officially introduced to Malaysians as one of the Malaysian Government's initiatives to manage and curb the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. This App offers several features, such as allowing users to perform self-health assessments, monitor their health status, and exchange information with the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) so that adequate measures can be taken. 

The App and data are owned by the Government of Malaysia and are managed by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA), the National Security Council (MKN), and the National Digital Department (JDN), which is formerly known as Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU). As the country transits from the pandemic phase to the endemic phase, the App emerges with a new face, equipped with various functions. It emphasizes public health management and also serves as an interphase with other governmental agency application for ease of user experience. 

When you log in to the App, you and/or your dependent(s) can securely 

MySejahtera Profile 

  • Manage MySejahtera profile(s). 

Vaccination and Immunization 

  • View and track your child’s vaccination certificate in the National Immunization Programme (NIP).  
  • View the adult vaccination certificate. 

Health Records 

  • View health records carried out for National Health Screening Initiative (NHSI)Hajj pilgrim screening program, KOSPEN Community screening, KOSPEN WOW screening, General Consultation, Video-Observed Treatment (VOTS)/ Direct-Observed Treatment (DOTS) and/or Virtual Consultation. 
  • View oral health summaries from government dental clinics. 
  • Record and review blood glucose values. 
  • View history of blood donation1. 
  • Manage pledge for organ donation. 

Health Assessment 

  • Perform HIV risk assessment anonymously via MOH Testnow. 
  • Perform Self Mental Health Assessment 

Public Health 

  • View the number of reported infectious diseases nearby2. 
  • Locate healthcare facilities. 
  • Manage booking appointments for selected health services from government primary health and dental clinics3. 
  • Follow up with health care personnel in government primary health facilities through tele-consultation. 
  • Monitor symptoms and/or adverse effects of treatment for confirmed cases of tuberculosis.

Collaboration with Other Governmental Agencies 

Access MyTRIP initiative and link passport to create a Travel Pass as a support to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Immigration Department). Please visit  for further information on your personal data and Privacy Policy related to myTRIP initiative. 


  • View COVID-19 risk status and the latest negative COVID-19 test done. 
  • View and download the COVID-19 vaccination certificate. 
  • Report COVID-19 Self-Test Result. 
  • Perform Self Assessment for Risk of COVID-19. 
  • View Home Surveillance Order (HSO) and perform Home Assessment Tool (HAT) for confirmed cases of COVID-19. 
  • Manage booking appointments for COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • Long COVID Monitoring. 

Other Features 

  • Access MySejahtera Helpdesk, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), KKMNOW Dashboard.
  • View the latest health and wellness news and receive push notifications regarding any health alert. 
  • Checking eligibility for Skim Perubatan MADANI. 
  • Participate in Diabetes monitoring and intervention. 
  • Fill in Pre-Departure Form for Travellers abroad and view Traveller card. 


1The blood donation records are only available for those who have previously donated their blood at blood collection centers using the Blood Bank Information System (BBISV2). 

2Infectious diseases that will be reported are Measles, Animal & Human Rabies, Tuberculosis, Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease, Dengue and COVID-19. 

3The number of appointment slots for selected health services is subject to services provided and slots availability in the respective government health and dental clinics. 

4Effective July 15, 2024, COVID-19 positive individuals will no longer receive a Health Surveillance Order (HSO) and report their self-test results to MySejahtera 

You and/or your dependent’s data is collected for the following purposes:

  1. To store personal health information and allow access to the features in the MySejahtera App (hereinafter referred to as “Module”).
  2. To book appointments for COVID-19 Vaccination. You will only receive appointments for COVID-19 Vaccination after you have consented to it. Date of Birth (DOB) will be required to determine your age to differentiate between adults and children. 
  3. To generate digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate details in QR code and PDF format.
  4. To self-report the result of professional COVID-19 tests performed in other health facilities in the case the result of the professional COVID-19 test taken is not yet reflected in MySejahtera. 
  5. To stratify the risk of COVID-19 infection via self-assessment module. 
  6. To display the last negative professional test results taken after the details of the professional test results are stored in Sistem Informasi Makmal Kesihatan Awam (SIMKA). Positive test results will not be shown to protect user's privacy. 
  7. For MOH to assess and monitor health conditions via HAT answered for confirmed cases of COVID-19.
  8. For MOH to trace and manage close contacts of COVID-19 accordingly for confirmed cases of COVID-19 by using the spatial-temporal data collected in real time between devices using Bluetooth Low Energy (LE). The interaction data will only be uploaded to the server after receiving the user's permission via OTP verification. The user's personal details will not be exposed to any close contacts. This interaction data collected will be purged after 14 days. 
  9. For MOH to monitor Long COVID symptoms among confirmed cases of COVID-19 after they have completed their Home Surveillance Order.
  10. To ensure compliance with all Movement Control Order (MCO) rules and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) issued under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988.
  11. To view the number of reported infectious diseases over a set number of days within a set amount of radius of your current location according to the infectious diseases including COVID-19, Dengue, Rabies, Measles, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (HFMD), and Tuberculosis. 
  12. To inform travellers traveling from countries that are endemic in Monkeypox to visit the nearest healthcare facilities for proper assessment by the medical officer and further management if they developed symptoms of Monkeypox or are in close contact with Monkeypox.
  13. To generate digital NIP and adult vaccination certificates. 
  14. To generate digital health reports in PDF format. 
  15. To assess and monitor current health conditions for confirmed cases of tuberculosis.
  16. To carry out evaluation or similar research and analysis for MOH operational strategy and policy planning purposes, including border restriction, providing data to authorized external parties for any purposes to review, develop, and improve the quality of healthcare products and services. 
  17. To participate in various survey(s) conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 
  18. To provide the latest organ donation pledge information to the National Transplant Resource Centre (NTRC). 
  19. To display your blood donation records stored in BBISV2. 
  20. For transactional e-services like vaccination and health services appointments. 
  21. For tele-consultation services with government health facilities.  
  22. For integration onto healthcare computer systems and applications operated or managed by the MOH to provide you with healthcare services (including medical, dental, health-screening, and immunization services) and any programs related to the promotion of good health and healthy lifestyles. 
  23. To allow data sharing among government healthcare facilities for patient management purposes. 
  24. For system performance monitoring and enhancement to improve user experience. 
  25. For verification purposes with the Immigration Department of Malaysia upon linking your MRZ number from your passport and creating the Travel Pass in the MyTRIP initiative.  
  26. To generate Dental Record from MOH Dental facilities.  

Data Collected 

This application collects data with the consent of the user and is done voluntarily through, but not limited to, the registration process, adding dependent information, answering health assessment questionnaires, managing booking appointments, and contacting app support via email or technical support form. 

The Personal Data collected are as follows: 


Personal Data collected 

User Registrations 

Name, Address, Ethnicity, Identity Card/Passport number, Nationality, Phone number/Email Address, Date of birth, Gender 

Dependent's details 

Name, Ethnicity, Identity Card/Passport number, Nationality, Date of birth, Gender, Relationship 


Occupation, Purpose of travel, Place of departure, Frequency of travelling to Malaysia, Flight/vessel, Vehicle number, Seat number, Departure date, Arrival date and time, Address stay in Malaysia, Name and phone number of contact in Malaysia, Vaccination status, History of COVID-19 infection, COVID-19 Vaccination Status 

Self-Report for COVID-19 

Result of COVID-19 Test, Date of the sample taken for the COVID-19 test, Address, Picture of the COVID-19 Test Results/Test Kit 

Self-Assessment for COVID-19 

Identity Card/Passport number, COVID-19 Risk Assessment Result 

HAT for COVID-19 

Traveling history, History of attending mass gatherings, Comorbidity, Pregnancy, History of previous COVID-19 infection in the past 60 days, Current Address, Symptoms, Vitals, COVID-19 Vaccination Status 

Long COVID Study 

Professional COVID-19 Test Results, Consent for Long COVID Study participation, Current symptoms, Details of last COVID-19 infection, COVID-19 Vaccination Status, Time and Date of Long COVID study completion 


Identity Card/Passport number, Email address, COVID-19 vaccination information, and photos for proof (i.e., COVID-19 Vaccination Card, Professional COVID-19 Test Results, COVID-19 Self-Test Kit or Identity Card/Passport) 

COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment 

Identity Card/Passport number, Consent for COVID-19 Vaccination, Type of COVID-19 Vaccine, Health Facility or Location, Appointment Slot (Date and Time), Reason for Cancellation 

COVID-19 Vaccination 

Identity Card/Passport number, Consent for COVID-19 Vaccination 

MySJ Trace 

14-days Interaction Data 

National Immunization Program (NIP) 

Dependent's Identity Card/Passport number 

Health Screening System (HSS) 

Identity Card/Passport number, Height, Weight, Blood Type 

Organ Donation Pledge 

Identity Card/Passport number, Information Source about Organ Donation, Reason of Pledge, Reason of Withdrawing Pledge, Time and Date of Pledge, Time and Date of Pledge Withdrawal; 
Details of Next of Kin such as Name, Nationality, Identity Card/Passport number, Contact number, Relationship, Informed Status; 
Details of Emergency Contact such as Name and Contact number 

Blood Donation 

Identity Card/Passport number 

Appointment Module 

Identity Card/Passport number, Service, Health Facility, Appointment Slot (Date and Time), Reason of Cancellation 

Vaccination Module 

Identity Card/Passport number 

Hajj Pilgrim Health Examination 

Identity Card/Passport number 


Identity Card/Passport number, time upon joining call 

MySJ Care Plan 

Identity Card/Passport number, Symptoms and/or Adverse Effects 

My Diabetes and Ramadan (MyDaR)   

Identity Card/Passport number, Type of Diabetes, Medication History, Blood Glucose Level 



Identity Card/Passport number 

Dental Record 

Identity Card/Passport number  

Use and Collection of Personal Data 

Data collected by the App is governed and subjected to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act (Act 1998) and The Medical Act 1971 (Act 50). Although not applicable, the management of the data in the App is compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission Act 1998 (MCMC) standards. The Personal Data collected will not be used for any purpose other than stated below. 

How Your Data is Used 

Your data is only used for COVID-19-related issues, public health purposes, and for utilization of MOH when the need arises. We will NOT share your personal data with governmental and non-Government entities. You are deemed to have consented to the use all modules within MySejahtera  when you download, update, or use the modules in the App. MySejahtera reserves the right to delete, modify, enhance, or introduce new Modules to the App based on the needs and requirements of the MOH and the Government of Malaysia at the given time. 

Permission Summary 

The permission to have access to the following phone applications/functions below is required for the best user experience. You are deemed to have given permission when you click on the “Allow” button in the App.  

Phone App Permission 



To take a picture of the vaccination card, COVID-19 Self-Test Kit, Result of Professional COVID-19 Test, and/or Identity Card/Passport. 

To take a profile picture. 

To perform video calls during teleconsultation. 

To scan personal details (ie, Identity Card/Passport number). 


To perform video calls during teleconsultation.  

Location service 

To identify your location by using our built-in location-based features such as Infectious Disease Tracker, Location assessment of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and/or other infectious disease(s), Nearby Health Facilities. 


To allow spatial-temporal data collection for the management of contact tracing in COVID-19 after the user has consented. 

Phone call 

To directly dial the emergency hotline 999 via the app. 

To directly dial the COVID-19 or Vaccination hotline via the app. 

To directly dial the HEAL hotline 15555 via the app. 

Files, Photos, Audio & Video 

To upload profile picture and/or pictures of COVID-19 vaccination card, COVID-19 Self-Test Kit, and/or Result of Professional COVID-19 Test. 

To download infographic announcements in the App. 

To download the COVID-19 vaccination certificate in PDF format. 

To download the child vaccination certificate (NIP) in PDF format.  

To download the adult vaccination certificate in PDF format.  

To download health screening report(s) in PDF format and QR code. 

To download the Dental Record in PDF format.

Push Notification 

To receive an alert that you are a confirmed case of COVID-19.

To receive notification to submit daily health assessments for confirmed cases of COVID-19. 

To receive notification if you are eligible for Paxlovid treatment for COVID-19. 

To receive reminder, reschedule, or cancellation notification of upcoming appointment(s). 

To receive the latest health alert updates. 
To notify Next of Kin after the user has pledged for organ donation. 

Complications for Incorrect or Incomplete Personal Information 

The App, when and where relevant or necessary, may require you to fill in your personal and health-related information. The App shall not be responsible for any incorrect or insufficient data that you have provided, or the consequences of such data being uploaded on the App. 

You shall be responsible for ensuring that the personal data the App collects, uses, or discloses is accurate, complete, and up to date to produce accurate insights, which will ultimately lead to the right action. You are obliged to provide relevant and accurate personal information to MySejahtera in accordance with the current laws in Malaysia. 

If the Personal Data you provided is incorrect, insufficient, or unsatisfactory, your user experience of MySejahtera and/or any related modules might not be seamless, and you may face technical difficulty in utilizing MySejahtera. This may also result in your requests for assistance being rejected at the App’s Helpdesk, or action taken, or use of the services offered by the App may be rejected or affected. You may also be subjected to punishment under the relevant Malaysian laws. 

Data and Confidentiality 

Personal Data collected by the App will be kept confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any applicable laws which may take effect from time to time. 

Data Storage and Sharing 

Data in transit are encrypted, while data at rest is stored in a highly secured environment. Your dependent(s) and/or your personal information will NOT be shared with other agencies (government and non-government).  

Anonymised Data 

This App collects anonymised data about your device and operating system (OS) to help us improve the App and provide a better user experience. Please always keep in mind to update both your system OS and MySejahtera application. 

Your Right* 

You have the right to 

  1. Know how your and your dependent’s data is being collected and used.
  2. Know for what purpose your and your dependent’s data are used.
  3. Correct your and your dependent’s personal data information via MySejahtera Helpdesk.
  4. Withdraw your and your dependent’s consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of your data at any time.
  5. Deactivate your account if you no longer wish to use our services. Please be aware that deactivating your account will delete your information; your information remains visible to MOH for the next 24 hours until it will be removed completely from our system. To deactivate and delete your account with MySejahtera, please proceed with the link provided. [MySejahtera Account Deletion] 

Contact Us 

If you have any questions or feedback relating to your personal data and our Privacy Policy, please email us at [email protected] 

Disclaimer Notice 

You will not have access to the App and any of the modules unless you have agreed to this privacy policy. By accessing and using any modules of the app, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy policy and agree for you and your dependent’s data collected for the COVID-19 pandemic to be repurposed for public health management and other Government services. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy 

The terms of our privacy policy may change from time to time. You may refer to this page for any changes. 

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